Apparently since I came home from the Middle East, all I need is therapy. Retail therapy that is. Because I have spent more money than a teacher should in local boutiques, city malls, and even stands on the side of the road.
I found some napkins at a local Midland store yesterday that read, "Shopping is better therapy than a psychiatrist." Can I get an amen?
But I've found some insanely cute clothes--and even some good looking watermelon. I had to share! So...drumroll please.

Seriously. You can wear them with a light tank, a polished blouse, wedges, pumps, everything! Almost everything anyway. At WHBM my sis and I got in a knock down drag out about who should get the last small cardigan on a rack and who should get the medium. Being the person who found the shirt, tried it on, and purchased it I felt as though I deserved it. But being older she felt she needed it. However, I wasn't going to roll over and let some 29 year old chica beat me down again. I wanted the shirt. I bought it. I kept it! Does everyone else still fight with their siblings? Or is that just us?
Anywho, one last thing before I hit the heat of West Texas. Cash and I were going swimming in San Antonio, and I felt as though I needed a hat. You can pick one up at your local Target. I so so so wish hats were in for people my age. I l-o-v-e the fancy hats at Dillard's and would wear the mess out of them if I wasn't 25. Maybe I will anyway. I did rock this at the neighborhood pool...

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