Is this seriously the 3rd week of school already? Like in 2 weeks mid-terms are going out? Oh, my my! Where has the time gone? My mom said this year would fly by, and like always mi madre is correct.
I've gone insane in the ol' membrane since August 1. Evidence A: I haven't see the B/F the entire month. This puts me in all states of bad moods. Evidence B: I have meetings two days a week during my only break of the day. Shoot me. Evidence C: On top of meetings and teaching, I told my assistant principal that I would gladly keep gate at the volleyball game again, furthermore kissing free time goodbye. Evidence D: I haven't all. And we all know how much I love to blog.
So that being said, I decided to try out this 10 day challenge so that I can show the lonesome blog some love. I promised myself when I was single...and not really mingling...that I would always, always make time for myself. I treasured that time of my life so much, and I don't think it's healthy to give up you. Now don't get me time talking to and being with Cash is unparalleled, especially compared to those lonely nights I sat at home eating pizza rolls and watching reruns of The Hills. But he fell in love me for who I was then...and I think I should continue to be that person and not give up every waking moment to something or someone else.
Anywhosums, I'm just trying to say I love blogging. And here I am challenging myself to 10 days in a row. Shall we start with numero diez?
10 Secrets
10. I watch The Notebook every night as I fall asleep. Having any movie playing keeps me focused, and it helps me get to sleep without looking over my shoulder constantly.
9. When I was growing up, I never wanted kids. Ever. And until a few months ago I still didn't want them. Ever. Crazy for a teacher, huh?
8. Teaching was the last profession I ever thought I would be in. I grew up as a banker's daughter, so that was obviously an idea. And I desperately wanted to go to law school. I even took my LSAT during my 2nd year of teaching.
7. Don't know if this is much of a secret to my friends, but I have promised I would never leave the States again.
6. Although Alma has been great to me and I've made the best of friends, I will always love and miss Ozark...there's no place like home.
5. I used to secretly want to date a guy who took me on dates during the morning so we could eat breakfast instead of dinner. Then I was leaving Texas one summer morning, and my boyfriend suggested breakfast. Because he rocks...and so does his job. {No, really.}
4. I wish no one went to college within a 1 hour radius of their hometown. Don't get me wrong..I totally get it. But I just learned so much being away...and I probably should've went farther just to not be tempted to go home as much as I did.
3. Instead of focusing solely on one sport and just dabbling in a couple more in high school, I wish I would've done something different every year. My perspective has changed so much since then.
2. I studied the Quran, and after doing so I feel so much more passionate about spreading Christianity. And I really think that's what Mohd intended as well, hence he said to study the Injil (the New Testament).
1. Instead of Kleenex or tissue, I always ALWAYS use a handkerchief. Better for your tender little nose. Better for the environment. And better for style.
Sweet things, it's taken me hours to start, come back to, and finish this post. I have 3 days until I see my sweetums...and you have no idea how precious that moment will be!! Love him. Love y'all. Have a blessed one!