Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Goodbye, Pessimistic Patty

Okay, Ladies (and Gents), I am turning over a new leaf. I am saying goodbye to Pessimistic Patty and a great big hello to Optimistic...Ollie?

In fact I swore to myself this morning I was only going to let positive things come out of my mouth. By lunch I told Cash, "I do want to be optimistic, but today wasn't a good day to start that." Wow...that's when you know you're negative. haha.

I'm not even going to tell you how hot it was on duty this afternoon (103 if you really want to know). Or mention that my A/C in my classroom isn't at its full capacity. Nor am I going to tell you that my feet and back are killing me from getting back into the routine of standing from 8-3:30. How did I ever work on an assembly line?

But for serious...I promised myself I would make the most of this year and that it would be the best school year I've ever had. I know I've been so frustrated for some time and blame it on stress, but I seriously need to get it under control. I remember days pre-Cash I would say, "If I just had someone to talk to, vent to, go to then I wouldn't be so negative." Now I do have that someone, and I still just gripe, gripe, gripe..and bless his usually goes straight to him, even if he's just an innocent bystander. I so need to be more appreciative of all the little, big, minor, and major things in my life. And instead of griping to Cash about every little bump in the road...I need to be thankful that I have him to help me cross it.

So kick me in the backside, slap me silly, bring me back to reality...because I am in need.

On a super positive note, we are having a precious niece this week! We can't wait to meet sweet little Toby!! Have a wonderful day, sweet friends. Be good. Be safe. Be blessed.


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