Over the past 8 months I have plead to God for mercy and praised Him for His miracles, yet I still often have moments of doubt that what if something else is to happen. I know I have to let those what ifs go and move forward with what today is offering, but it is hard to completely come out of the moments we were in not too long ago.
Midland is a much bigger place than where I grew up. It is over 30 times the size of the little town I called home! But even in this big place I have found some of the deepest friendships I've ever known and closeness of a community that resembles that little bitty place in Franklin County, Arkansas.
Due to mutual friends I have known whom the Charbonnets are for several years, but it was the timeliness of our journeys through fetal medicine that encouraged our friend Micah to connect Lisa and I. When you deal with these intense issues with your most innocent children, it takes only that mutual understanding to allow you to relate to one another on a different level. Lisa and I have only exchanged a few messages and texts, but because we have endured so much simultaneously I feel like we have walked this journey together. We read each other's blogs and pray for each other's children; and I long to give her the biggest hug when we get to Houston in less than 2 weeks.
Lisa and her husband are dealing with real and raw emotions right now. In this time they are bearing witness for Christ, even if it seems so hard to understand why or how. I encourage you to read her blog as she is a true light even in the midst of the hardest time of her life. Below I have posted the link to the letters she and her husband wrote to their beloved little Piper. Their story began much farther back than this, but I have sat here and wept tears reading these letters, because they so eloquently express how deep their pain is yet reveal how awakening their faith is. It takes me to a place I really don't want to think about but a place I imagine all too often in my thoughts.
We love to see miracles, and God is so good to provide them. It is easy to see God in miracles. But what about when the miracle is different than we expected? Can we still see God in that? Please read sweet Lisa's blog and know that despite all hardships that this amazing family is going to God through it all. And please pray with earnest hearts for their healing, their peace, and their strength. Here is the link to the most recent (and very real, raw, emotional) post:
The Charbonnet 7: Letters to Piper
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