I really want to start a marathon training program. I read this blog of a chic who is in her 10th week of training. Since the fall weather is starting to hit (hey, 80 degrees DOES feel like fall right now), I thought it'd be the perfect time to start getting back in shape. Plus, I showed Cash all these little pictures of me this weekend. It brought back so many memories of playing softball and running track...I guess I didn't even realize how many sports I played and track meets I ran. So this is for 10 year old Avery who was in shape and could outrun everyone in the county...I'm doing this running thing.
However, I started realizing that if I can't even finish a 10 day challenge on my blog, no way would I finish an 18 week marathon training program. So we're going to stick around the ol' blog challenge for a few more days...hey, we're halfway there!
5 Foods
This could be super hard for a newbie cooker like myself.
5. Mashed Potatoes and brown gravy
4. Sweet baby carrots
3. bbq anything
2. Watermelon
1. Baked beans (preferably with nacho cheese doritos)
Am I from the South or what?
Sounds like my marathon training is going to be coincided with great, healthy foods.
Have a blessed one...I'm going to search through every picture on pinterest now.
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