Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pinterest and other uh-mazing things!

I've been a little bullet-list and sticky-pad queen this week. So let's continue...

1. Monday I was standing in class teaching and my chest started having this wretched pain. It had had happened last week, and Cash told me to go to the doctor. I dealt with it then, but this time I felt best by going to see Dr. Wilson. Indeed, I had pleurisy. And bronchitis. And a fever of 101. It stunk...and hurt.

2. Yesterday we had literacy meetings ALL DAY so I didn't get to see my wonderful kiddos. After missing Monday afternoon, I felt so behind.

3. I just got 18 sets of papers graded, recorded, and on EdLine. I'm done. I'm exhausted.

4. One week and two days until I see my honey and his wonderful family. I. CAN'T. WAIT.

5. Tonight I have dinner with my Hub sister Heather and her little boy Colton...yay!

6. Tomorrow I get to have dinner with Megan and then watch the debates.

7. Saturday our friends Jake and Monte are coming over to watch the Hogs take on the Crimson Tide with Amy and myself. Woooo Pig Soooiee! I'm getting dips and snacks all lined up!

8. This morning I was early (for once) and so excited to be going to school early. I opened up my refrigerator to get a glass of sweet tea, and my "sexy sauce" from Fuji's was all over the place. Bequette loved licking it off the floor, but it kept dripping down on his cute little white head. I wanted to SCREAM!! Nevermind, I did scream.

9. I got to see my niece and nephew yesterday afternoon...such a pleasant surprise!!

10. I am addicted to Pinterest, which has added to my procrastination and the fact that I'm WAY behind on grading. So I better get busy.

See y'all. Wouldn't want to be y'all...


1 comment:

  1. Hope you are feeling better! My kids have been on & off sick since school started! I am starting to get a sore throat myself :( I also love Pinterest! Such a wonderful way to waste time, lol! xo

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